Religion in Italy

Religion in Italy

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What is Main Italy's Religion?

Considering that Italy is home to one-of-a-kind Vatican, the heart of Catholicism, it's no surprise that the sun-kissed country is Christian in its core. And you feel it wherever you go. It doesn't matter you are staying in a big city or a small Italian village in the middle of nowhere, the evidence of the Catholic past can be found everywhere. Just look at all the most famous cultural treasures of Italy, have a look at its most renowned arts, and check out how many of them were inspired by the religious symbolism and commissioned by the church. Practically all of them. Catholicism is an integral part of Italy, and it shaped the country like nothing else. So even if nowadays the amount of people who attend church is less than it was 50 years ago and more and more people convert to atheism, Italy remains Catholic at its heart.

But it doesn't mean that other religions are not welcome the territory of the country. No, the citizens are free to practice any religion, and you can find the followers of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others. Approximately 20% of Italian citizens are adhering to some other religion but Catholicism.

By now you've had a first impression of how significant is Italy's religious past and present, but no travel guide can't compare with a real Italian adventure, offering a chance to explore the national gems and cultural traditions, unique for different Italian regions but equally amazing wherever you go. So, what are you waiting for? Plan an amazing tour to Italy and never let your memories be greater than your dreams!